Map Examples
`#lang typed/racket |
(require typed/rackunit) |
;; given a number and a list of numbers, return the result |
;; of multiplying every number in the list by the given number: |
;; First, let's try with the design recipe: |
(define (mm-1 [num : Real] [lon : (Listof Real)]) : (Listof Real) |
(match lon |
['() '()] |
[(cons f r) (cons (* num f) (mm-1 num r))])) |
;; Next, let's use `map` for this, defining a function to use |
;; with map, inside of the function: |
(define (mm-2 [num : Real] [lon : (Listof Real)]) : (Listof Real) |
(define (my-mult [b : Real]) |
(* num b)) |
(map my-mult lon)) |
;; Is there a way to abbreviate this? I don't really want to give `my-mult` a name. |
;; yes! |
(define (mm-3 [num : Real] [lon : (Listof Real)]) : (Listof Real) |
(map (λ ([b : Real]) : Real (* num b)) lon)) |
;; that seems long. Can I omit some of the types on the unnamed function? |
;; yes, the return type of this function can be inferred. That's a bit shorter: |
(define (mm-4 [num : Real] [lon : (Listof Real)]) : (Listof Real) |
(map (λ ([b : Real]) (* num b)) lon)) |
;; Is there another form that I could use for this? |
;; Yes: in this case, a `for/list` would work fine: |
(define (mm-5 [num : Real] [lon : (Listof Real)]) : (Listof Real) |
(for/list ([b lon]) |
(* num b))) |
;; Hey! I tried the for/list in my situation, and TR was unable to |
;; infer the type of `b`. Can I specify it manually? |
;; Yes: |
(define (mm-6 [num : Real] [lon : (Listof Real)]) : (Listof Real) |
(for/list ([b : Real lon]) |
(* num b))) |
(check-equal? (mm-1 100 '(3 4 5)) '(300 400 500)) |
(check-equal? (mm-2 100 '(3 4 5)) '(300 400 500)) |
(check-equal? (mm-3 100 '(3 4 5)) '(300 400 500)) |
(check-equal? (mm-4 100 '(3 4 5)) '(300 400 500)) |
(check-equal? (mm-5 100 '(3 4 5)) '(300 400 500)) |
(check-equal? (mm-6 100 '(3 4 5)) '(300 400 500)) |