Thinking about Programming Languages, CSC430, Spring 2024
1 "Beating the Averages"
2 "Java’s Cover"
3 Writing it up
4 Handing it in
5 Acknowledgements

Thinking about Programming Languages, CSC430, Spring 2024🔗

This assignment requires you to read two short essays by Paul Graham and reflect on what you see in them. It should not take too long.

This is an individual assignment, not a team assignment; everyone submits their own work.

1 "Beating the Averages"🔗

Paul Graham wrote the original software for setting up on-line stores that Yahoo! currently uses, and beat many competitors to the finish line. He wrote it in Lisp, which is closely related to Scheme and, of course, Racket. Graham’s article Beating the Averages discusses why he believes Lisp gave his million-dollar startup a competitive advantage. Read the article, maybe twice; it isn’t very long.

2 "Java’s Cover"🔗

In another article Graham provides a surface-level critique of Java. Read the article, maybe twice; it isn’t very long.

3 Writing it up🔗

Write plain text, clearly identifying your answers to each of the three questions.

Keep your answer short and direct: three sentences would be ok, two would be very much better, one would be brilliant.

Writing matters: spelling and grammar errors and sloppy writing (such as sentence fragments) will cost you points.

4 Handing it in🔗

As before, use DrRacket’s handin plugin to submit your answers. Include

#lang scribble/manual

... as the first line of your document, to indicate to DrRacket that this is a textual file.

Use ESC-q in DrRacket to automatically insert newlines and simplify formatting. If pasting from another editor, be sure to use ESC-q to reformat the text (the handin server will reject lines that are too long).

Let us know if you have any questions!

5 Acknowledgements🔗

Thanks to Kathi Fisler for large portions of this exercise. She also writes "if you enjoy Graham’s writing, his article Taste for Makers is a lovely piece on the role of taste in design" [not required for this assignment].